

盐乃“天然的情绪助推器 ter",,舒艳译Scientists suggest we may add ext ra salt to ou r food be— causeIt boosts ou r mood,even though we know too much is bad fo rUS.科学家认为,尽管我们知道摄入过多的盐对身体有害,不过我们可以往食物中稍稍多添加点盐,因为盐有助于改善我们的情绪。University ofIowa researchers writing inPsychology andBehavior say salt may act as a natural ant ide~爱荷华大学的研究人员在《心理与行为》杂志上发文指出:盐可作为一种天然抗 pressant.Tests on rats found those抑郁药。研究人员通过鼠类)《×睁oe屺令曲oH。《K《》oe吣令。寺oe.。·e,o·‘争o《》o·ooe-o—‘:}o夸o《瓤)备ooo《MH》o《}0夸c岭oeM)令oo、 on marital satisfaction after children后对婚姻的满足感有所提升。 had left home.While theBerkeley researchers had hypothesized that the improvement in marital happiness came from couples’ spending more time together,the women in the same study reported spending】ust as much tlme with their partners whether the children were1iving at home or had moved out.But they said the quality of that time was better.Gorchoff notes that the1esson from the empty nest may be that parents need to work to carve out more stress- free time together.In the sample studied.it was only relationship satis— faction that improved when children left home.Overall,parents were i ust as happy with children at home as in尽管伯克利分校的研究人员曾假设,婚姻幸福感的增加源于夫妻间有更多的时间相处,然而该研究中接受调查的妇女却报告说,无论子女是生活在家里还是已搬出去住,她们和伴侣相处的时间是一样多的。但她们称子女离家后与伴侣共度的时光质量更高。戈尔彻夫认为,通过对空巢的了解,父母们或许该意识到,他们需要努力挤出更多的时间,在一起轻松地度过。通过对样本的研究发现,在子女离家后仅夫妻关系的满足感有所提高。总的说来,无论子女是在家还是 the empty nest.口离家,父母都同样愉悦。■(From,九fP,.”倪£ion口fHeraldTribune)■|1泰ST啉L龆earrfi堂ng习with a salt deficiency shied away from activities they normally enjoyed--a sign of depression.But experts warn eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure.The body needs sodium—which along with chloride makes up salt-to function,but having too much and raising blood pressure is linked to anIncreased risk of stroke and heart attack.TheUK’SFoodStandardsAgency says the average adult should eat no more than69 of salt a day.Intake is falling,but last year the average was8.69.Around three— quarters of the salt we eat comes in pre—prepared foods.The findings are published as theFSA renewed its advice ior people to eat more healthily.It backed an independent panel of experts warning that celebrity chefs were promoting high—fat recipes,and contributing to the obesity crisis.Cravings l he tests carried out byUS researchers tound that when rats were deficient in salt,they shy away trorrl activities they normally enjoy, like drinking a sugary substance or pressing a bar that stimulates a pleasant sensanon in their brains.Psychologis tKimJohnson,who led the research. said:“Things that normallyWOuld be pleasurable for rats didn't elicit the same degree of relish,which leads us to believe that a salt deficit and the craving associated with it can induce one of the key symptoms associated with depression.”She said that a试验发现,那些盐摄取不足的老鼠对平时喜欢的活动失去了兴趣,这正是抑郁症的体征。但专家们警告说,盐分摄入过多会引发高血压。盐由钠和氯两种元素构成。人体需要钠以维持正常功能,但盐分摄入过量以致血压上升会增加患中风和心脏病的风险。英国食品标准署(FAS)建议,一般成年人每日盐分摄入量不应超过6克。盐分摄入量近年一直在下降,但去年却达到了人均每日8.6克。我们摄入的盐分约有四分之三来自预先做好的食物。FSA再次建议人们要注意健康饮食,并随之公布了上述研究结果。此前,一个独立专家组警告说,一些名厨正在推广高脂肪食谱,加重肥胖危机。FSA此举有力声援了该专家组。盐瘾美国的研究人员进行了一系列的试验,发现当老鼠体内缺乏盐分时,它们会避免参加平时热衷的活动,如饮用含糖物质或按动小棒等。这些活动能刺激它们的大脑,从而令其感觉愉悦。该研究的带头人,心理学家金‘约翰逊说:“通常情况下会令老鼠感到愉快的事物未能激发起同等程度的兴趣,这一点使我们相信,盐分摄入量不足和对盐分摄入的渴望能诱发抑郁症的一项主要症状。”她指出,对昔日热衷2009年第5期总第341期
