

The Shetland Islands in the far north of Scotland are a strange mixture of old and new. Oil and gas have brought4)tremendous [tr??mend?s] adj.极大的,巨大的tremendous wealth to these islands, yet Shetlanders are also devoted to traditional ways of life that have existed for centuries. This is where it all begins. Shetland is home to about 400,000 sheep. They5)outnumber [a?t?n?mb?(r)] v.数目超过,比……多outnumber people here 20 to 1. So if you’re invited to someone’s home for dinner, lamb will likely be on the table. And if you’re wearing a local scarf or6)mitten [?m?t(?)n] n. 连指手套mittens, chances are it was made out of Shetland wool. Ingrid Eunson is sitting at her7)spinning wheel 纺车spinning wheel at home. She’s turning what looks like a fur ball into8)thread [θred] n. 线thread, which will eventually become yarn. To the side, she has blue-green yarn that she dyed herself. Her hands9)enact [??n?kt] v. 表现,展现enact a10)ritual [?r?t???l] n. 习俗ritual that her ancestors have practiced for generations. Locals used to survive by trading knitted hats or stockings with fisherman on passing ships. Here in Shetland, knitting is not a hobby 在英国的最北部,散落着约100座岛屿,隔洋遥望着209公里外的苏格兰——设得兰群岛。群岛中有五分之四是无人岛,这里没有绿树参天,没有鲜花遍野,有的只是最原始的野性与荒凉。但就在这些冷硬的旷野上,扎根着一个意外柔软的传统——编织。即便油气资源带来了滔天财富,群岛上千百年流传下来的编织手艺也未被腐蚀半分,依旧在时光长河里熠熠发光。11)reserved [r??zз?vd] adj. 保留的,预订的reserved for grannies or12)hipster [?h?pst?(r)] n. 嬉皮士,追求非主流时尚的人,通常崇尚手工制作的环保产品。hipsters. It’s something people just do because they’ve always done it. Carol Christiansen (Expert): Knitting is what drew me here initially. I visited in 1989 as a tourist—as a knitting tourist, actually. Carol Christiansen is originally from Seattle. Now she’s a13)curator [kj???re?t?(r)] n. 馆长,管理人curator at the Shetland Museum and14)archives [?ɑ?ka?vz] n. 档案馆Archives. She loves the fact that even within this small15)cluster [?kl?st?(r)] n. (人或物的)群,丛cluster of islands, there are knitting traditions specific to each island—fine lace on the northern island of Unst, rows of colorful
